
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

lawhawk9/09/2011 11:32:38 am PDT

re: #126 LudwigVanQuixote

Would it necessarily increase the number of jobs or would it simply provide those working for the existing utilities with something else to do while at their current jobs. After all, utilities claim to spend a significant amount of their resources to maintaining and upgrading their existing infrastructure. Con Ed claimed it spent $1 billion or more since the 2006 blackouts and other utilities are doing similar tasks as part of their ongoing efforts.

Still, upgrading the grid however isn’t a regional issue; it requires a national energy plan and that simply doesn’t exist and too much red tape will keep needed upgrades such as new high efficiency transmission lines from getting put in place - allowing alt-energy facilities like wind and solar from getting built in places where they are best able to produce power. NIMBY blocks much of the process as well.