
Video: Are Climatologists Censoring Scientific Journals? (A: No)

Charles Johnson12/17/2009 10:14:36 am PST

re: #186 Jimbouie

Excuse me, but while methane released from permafrost might or might not be important, what does that have to do with Jones “going to town” on scientific papers critiquing his Siberia data, especially considering later revelations of cherry-picking? Perhaps you’ve wandered away from the topic.

This is so silly it makes my head hurt.

Do you even understand what the process of “peer review” is?

And there were NO “revelations of cherry-picking.” None. This is a distortion of the facts, and it’s been conclusively shown over and over and over.

Seriously — is there a point at which you’ll stop repeating propaganda fed to you by ignorant and/or deceptive sources?