
MonoNeon / "Segreghetto" (Official Music Video)

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce5/25/2024 9:58:43 am PDT

re: #175 Mattand

I literally just read that story on The Daily Beast. How the fuck does one “accidentally” bring 20 rounds of ammo in your suitcase on a tropical vacation, unless you’re a criminal?

White male Americans are the worst people, sometimes.*

*After writing that sentence, I thought I should double check my gut feeling based on decades of observation. Turns out it was unnecessary.

1. 20 rounds of any handgun caliber ammo is peanuts. It’s about like getting caught with an uneaten third of a Big Mac and then getting charged with smuggling cattle.
2. People are stupid
3. Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity

Per the aforementioned: in the late 1990s, my boss at the time left his loaded 10mm S&W
in an overnight bag that his wife then unknowingly took to DFW International Airport, hereby setting off a shit-show. For those who don’t know, 10mm is a handgun round often carried by hunters specifically in the event of inadvertent contact with bears or wildcats. I don’t personally consider that to be a decisively adequate round for such purposes, but it’s better than harsh language.

But in the case of my boss, cooler heads prevailed, INTENT was considered, and everyone got away. There might have been a new asshole or two reamed in the process. I don’t know for sure.

I think “accidentally” bringing ammo anywhere is irresponsible for sure, but if I were going to commit a criminal conspiracy you can bet your ass I wouldn’t risk anything over a mere 20 rounds. Calling that “criminal” is just goofy.