
Washington Times Editor: Obama Was Educated at Yale

Desert Dog9/08/2009 12:02:53 pm PDT

re: #165 subsailor68

A little more info on the Baucus plan to forced folks to buy insurance or be fined:

Baucus Plan

It includes this little gem:

As a way to pay for the package, Baucus is proposing a 35 percent excise tax on insurance companies for high-cost plans — defined as those above $8,000 for individuals and $21,000 for family plans.

Let’s see, Baucus is going to pay for forcing people to purchase insurance by taxing people - who buy insurance? Hmmm, so now the program is underway, and the folks with the “high-cost” plans say “bite me” and drop back to lower cost coverage.

Oops, there goes that revenue stream! Now what, Max?

Blame it on Bush?

It is the same mentality that thinks there is a never ending supply of “rich people”. This is the mentality that is scaring the sh*t out of people. The government is going to come in to your life and force you to do this. If you do not, the IRS will come after you. The IRS!

Heathcare is already available to all Americans. It is..honest. If you cannot afford it, then there are plans available for at least a major medical plan. And, if you are truly poor, every State in the Union has a plan for poor people. I should know, my wife works for one. If you are sick and need help, you can get it. If you cannot pay for it, it does not matter. Our system need tweaking, not a complete and total rebuild. I am cringing on what these representatives will come up with.