
PBS Photo: Polar Ice Cap 2000 vs. 2010

Idle Drifter1/02/2011 7:08:43 pm PST

re: #131 Killgore Trout

I keep promising myself I’m going to buy and gun and learn how to shoot. I keep procrastinating because I really don’t like guns. I don’t like killing things either but I really should hunt at least once just to say I’ve done it.

My little cousin keeps asking me to teach him how to hunt. I keep asking him some big questions:
1. Do you know the first rule of gun safety?
2. How are you in dealing with field dressing an animal as in getting hands deep in guts and cutting out the throat and anus?
3. Can you keep quiet and relatively still for more than 3 hours?
4. Can you shoot and kill an animal?

If you can’t honestly answer those questions just don’t bother hunting with a rifle and just take a camera for a pleasant nature hike. Hunting is not for everyone and I don’t think lesser of anyone who’s not into it. Why make a half hearted attempt at something you don’t really enjoy?