
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Fozzie Bear9/21/2010 12:45:03 pm PDT

re: #13 Lidane

It’s Clinton in ‘94 all over again. The GOP are in full-on hysteria mode (this time with bonus racism and xenophobia!), they’re going to try and turn Obama into a do-nothing, and they’re going to either seriously overreach or piss off the electorate by spending all their time investigating/blocking everything instead of making a case for why they should be back in the White House.

At this rate, the end result will also be the same. Clinton won a second term, and so could Obama, if the GOP keep going at the rate they’re going.

If the GOP gets enough votes to do so, they will begin impeachment proceedings against Obama. It’s a virtual certainty.