
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/08/2011 1:00:23 am PST

One more piece of evidence that Sarah Palin™ is not a statesman or even a politician, but a Hollywood Celeb:

Sarah, Bristol Palin seeking to trademark names

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and “Dancing with the Stars” finalist Bristol Palin are attempting to trademark “Sarah Palin” and “Bristol Palin,” reports Politics Daily.

Palin family attorney Thomas Van Flein registered for a “Sarah Palin” trademark three days after the 2010 midterm elections. A “Bristol Palin” application was filed five days prior to the “Dancing With the Stars” Sept. 20 season premiere.

It’s common for celebrities to trademark their names to protect their brand or image from those who may try to make money off their name, but trademark attorneys say this is a rare move for political figures. […]

The application for “Sarah Palin” has two classes of commercial service for which her name would be trademarked. The first is for “information about political elections” and “providing a website featuring information about political issues” and the second is for “educational and entertainment services … providing motivational speaking services in the field of politics, culture, business and values.”
