
US Officials Refute Right Wing Conspiracy Theories About Benghazi Attack

Charles Johnson11/03/2012 2:04:49 pm PDT

re: #5 Daniel Ballard

Do you recall the reaction to the 1983 Marine barracks bombing? By the standards of the day the criticism of Reagan and his policy was pretty harsh. Probably not like today but quite harsh.

There were very real reasons for that harsh criticism of Reagan, though. The guards at the Marine barracks were ordered to keep their weapons unloaded, and the truck was able to get through two sentry posts and all the way to the main entrance without resistance.

That was a real scandal. In fact, the US presence in Lebanon was incredibly badly planned from the start, and after the bombing Reagan did almost nothing in response.

Those are real criticisms, not the same thing as the deranged fantasies about Benghazi.