
Hitchens: Cynicism by the Book

thatthatisis4/04/2011 6:51:16 pm PDT

re: #108 CuriousLurker

Those were the lines I was thinking along. But I did not know it was Karzai who stirred the pot, I just knew somebody did. This never had the look of a couple of people reading the internet and getting upset spontaneously like some strange flash mob.

These people are hard for folks like us to fathom - they’re perfectly willing to have 20 people murdered in order to stay in power a few months longer. As some of you have said, the sooner we’re out of there, the better.

As for me being a nice person - thanks, I guess. My family says I’m intelligent and nice, too, especially when they need a favor. So, CuriousLurker, what do you need - dishes washed? Dry cleaning picked up? Trash taken out?