
Donald Trump Says Obama Committed the Biggest Crime in US History, but He Doesn't Feel Like Telling You What It Was

Targetpractice5/12/2020 12:21:38 am PDT

re: #190 Dr Lizardo

Trump is getting increasingly nervous about his re-election prospects.

Personally, I love these warm-and-fuzzy feelgood stories every now and then. It’s a welcome change from all the doom and gloom lately.

They spent the first 2.5 months of the year hoping that their gamble (downplaying the virus in order to avoid spooking the markets) would work and instead 80,000+ are dead and UE has spiked to nearly 15%. So what better way to go forward than to roll the dice again, only this time on the belief that “reopening” the country in total contravention of most every expert’s advice will wipe away all the economic damage and stall the death toll.

Gee, I can’t see how this guy ever managed to bankrupt a casino.///////