
Overnight Open Thread

Scion96/16/2009 1:28:01 am PDT

re: #160 Sharmuta

No. I think it’s sexist to value a woman purely for her looks.

If all you know about someone is how they look there really isn’t anything else to ‘value’ about them; and just because someone comments on a woman’s appearance doesn’t mean they are writing off everything else, or that they are writing off women that aren’t models of physical perfection either.

Practically no man isn’t aware that beautiful women are very capable of being quite unattractive in terms of personality by the time they have gotten out of high school.

From personal experience, your physical attractiveness cuts across gender boundaries as well. I am a very physically active person and am in good shape, but I once badly injured my leg which laid me up for over 9 months. I went from running 40+ miles a week to running 0 (as well as other activities that went to nothing), but I didn’t adjust my ~3500 calories per day diet out of habit and blew up like a blimp.

Trust me, I got a lot more general respect, politeness and a lot more positive attention even social, academic and professional settings from both women and men as a guy with an athletic build than I did as a fat guy. I’ve since recuperated from my injury and gone back to my hobbies, dropped the weight and I’m back to being taken seriously by the world at large on what seem to be purely physical grounds.