
Michigan Militia Indictments

darthstar3/29/2010 11:52:57 am PDT

re: #168 beekiller

I was just checking out the comments Charles mentioned. These people are dumber than shit. The day they have anything of value to contribute to the national political discourse, I’ll go over to Pat Buchanan’s house and personally fellate him while humming Dixie.

NPR did a story on the Palin/McCain rally over the weekend. They interviewed a number of people who made wild claims about the Health Care Bill meaning the government would have the power to tell us what we can read (seriously), as well as taking away guns & religion. Total, over the top craziness. NPR, being the passive reporters they are, didn’t bother saying that these people sounded bat-shit crazy. Probably because they were laughing too hard for a follow-up commentary.