
Best Story of the Day: Sarah Palin Clan Reportedly Involved in Huge Drunken Brawl

b.d.9/11/2014 3:13:14 pm PDT
The fight originally started after Bristol, with her sunglasses still on at about 11.00 pm and visibly drunk, approached the host (the owner of the house, not Marc McKenna) and “complained” to him that some people at the party “want to have a go at Willow.” The host then tried to assure Bristol that this was not the case, but Bristol had none of it and started to punch the host in the face. The host then held up his hands in defence, and push her back slightly, and drunk Bristol then fell to the floor, and her dress was “up” about her waist. The host did not hit Bristol, but just defended himself.

Bristol then started shouting for Todd. He came over, and watched the situation. At this point, he did not intervene.

The host tried again to calm Bristol down, but she continued punching out at him. So then the host carried Bristol out of the house and demanded that every member of the Palin-family should leave the party. Then everything kicked off, Todd got angry, Track ripped his shirt off and got angry, the fighting started again, and Todd at the end was left with a bloody nose. All this happened outside of the house.

Sarah was there at the party as well when it all happened.