
Appeals Court Upholds Tobacco Racketeering Rulings

zombie5/24/2009 1:10:30 pm PDT

re: #167 Cato the Elder

The didn’t just “intend to deceive”, they flat-out lied, to the public, to Congress, with hands on Bibles and under oath, for decades. In bogus studies, lying ads, whisper campaigns, attempts to quash evidence that would hurt them, and on and on.

For decades.

As a matter of corporate policy.

Because when you have a product that kills its consumers when used as intended, you have an inherent truth problem.

Maybe I’m too young, but I never saw any of what is alleged. From infancy, cigarettes were always portrayed to me as noxious, cancer-causing coffin nails, both in the media and in the social environment. Even in school, the peer-pressure was that cigarettes were the height of uncool, the mark of a loser.