
Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black

reidr4/28/2010 11:49:53 am PDT

re: #178 wrenchwench

I never look at recommended blog lists in general, and I had never heard of VDARE before this. Now that I know, I can see how that would disturb you. (And Charles, too.) Maybe it’s old and he would populate it differently now.

I haven’t read enough of his stuff to know if he’s an isolationist. Just judging a few individual posts, they’ve seemed fine. Compared to things like the Iraq war, I’d say I’m okay with a little isolationism.

Yeah, anti-Palin is a gimme. I figured the anti-Romney part would be less accepted here. You should go check his site because I couldn’t do it justice from memory; but I’ll just say that I thought Romney was the biggest panderer I’ve ever seen in the 2008 primaries. A candidate that seemed to be run by a PR firm. Just my view…. (I hope I’m not confusing Larison with another blogger like James Joyner, now that I think about it. Oops!)

Paul seems much, much loonier than Larison. They may agree somewhat on some issues, but it doesn’t seem fair to group them.

I understand how “conservative blogger” has been tainted. That’s why I like it here and why I check in with Larison and Joyner. The few, the proud…. (I am a left-leaner interested in rational debate, in case it wasn’t clear.)