
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan12/06/2010 10:32:58 am PST

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the 12th Imam

Youtube Video

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the UN and spent a lot of his speech preaching. At the end of his speech he talked about the promise of a just world ruled by the “perfect man” and that this paradise was coming soon. That the perfect man would appear soon arriving with Muhammad and “Jesus Christ.” Amazing how bold Ahmadinejad is becoming on this! He is all but speaking of it openly and no one seems to notice! This is important to understand when dealing with Iran. Ahmadinejad believes he is called by Allah to usher in his version of the Shiite Messiah, the 12th Imam, and the way to speed that process is to set the world on fire.