
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

Ming7/12/2012 9:16:50 pm PDT

re: #145 EastSider

Any attempt to make the campaign about Romney is good news for Obama (and clearly, the Dems are not going to stop hitting that well for quite some time). At this point, the GOP is running on Obama’s negatives.

The GOP has been obsessed with nothing but Obama’s negatives, actually GOP-manufactured negatives, for a long time. They managed to have an entire primary season with no interest in who their own candidates were. The only thing that attracted their attention was the ability to beat Obama. They knew Romney had the funding, and the ability to lie, and the fire in the belly, so they went with him.

Many Republicans couldn’t care less who their own candidate is. It doesn’t matter what he did at Bain Capital. It doesn’t matter what he did as Massachusetts Governor. It doesn’t even matter much what he says his positions are now. All they care about is beating Obama.