
Overnight Tiny Desk Jam: Lake Street Dive

Blind Frog Belly White4/30/2016 12:10:14 pm PDT

re: #191 allegro

When I was a little kid, WWII effects still loomed pretty large and was often a topic of conversation between my parents and other adults. I remember when they explained to me what war was when I was maybe 4 or 5 years old, basically people killing each other and blowing shit up. My response: that’s stupid. Made no sense to me at all. They said, yeah it is stupid but you’ll understand when you grow up.

I may be growed up but I still think it’s stupid and makes no sense.

It’s a funny thing, war. You can point to so many where the cause was pointless and stupid - WWI, Spanish American war, etc. But then there are wars that birthed the modern world - American Revolution, Civil War, WWII. How different would history be without them?

More counterfactuals. As a scientist I have not the patience for untestable hypotheses.