
Glenn Beck Refuses to Define 'White Culture'

Oh no...Sand People!9/24/2009 11:56:41 am PDT

re: #150 Cato the Elder

Wow. Comment of the day…or minute…or whatever…from that ‘place’.

Peter 09.23.09 at 9:45 PM

I am often glad I’m not an intellectual. I don’t really care why C. Johnson is attacking my friends, I only care that he is. Attack my friend? I reach for the (metaphorical) shotgun, drape the ammo belt ‘cross the other shoulder, strap on my gunbelt and stand with my friends.

It doesn’t matter if I disagree with my friends on minor details, we’re in this fight together. So I disagree with Stacy on this, or with you with that. That’s not what is important, what is important is that I stand with my “family” when they’re under attack. Perhaps that family is by blood or marriage. Perhaps that family is political., someone I may never meet in person. Doesn’t matter. I defend my “family” because that’s what we do. It’s why my (metaphorical) brothers and sisters lined up for blocks outside the recruiting stations on Dec. 8, 1941. It’s why we lined up at the blood banks on 9/11/01.

So, F@#%$ Charles Johnson and his pal Kejda. And the horse they rode in on. And the dog that ran ahead. and the turtle that followed behind.

I could anoint myself king with born followers of this sort…
