
The Mind-Boggling FULL List of Trump's Most Tremendous Scandals

BeachDem11/08/2020 12:46:12 pm PST

re: #177 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I am just saying it’s going to happen. I don’t like it either but if there’s a token Republican say at Commerce or Transportation, I’m not gonna get pissed. If he puts one of these people at an important position, I won’t like it. I just think we have to temper our expectations after the most nakedly partisan administration of our lifetimes. And if we want to push the party to the left, let’s give him a Senate in the midterms so we’ll be able to do it.

Everyone has a line that shouldn’t be crossed. Mine is Kasich (and a few others.) Putting a pig like him in the cabinet, with his anti-woman and other assorted nasty, ugly positions, is a slap in the face to many, many people. As Molly Ivins said, You Got to Dance with Them What Brung You. And Kasich didn’t “brung” us any damn thing.

I’m not saying it would ever make me vote for a Republican (it wouldn’t) or turn me against Biden, but it could certainly put a damper on my actions and donations going forward.