
The Unveiling of Ardipithecus

Teh Flowah10/04/2009 12:16:34 pm PDT

re: #107 swamprat

There was a time, in the recent past, when science was gladly accepted by the religious. The church apologized to a long dead Galileo, and no one tried to say that the sun revolved around the earth, or that the earth was flat.
I remember when the left was for free trade, and the right against it.
There was a time when we taxed imported goods and kept the governments hands out of citizens’ pockets.
There was a time,(oh how I long for it!) when facts were not considered to be verifiable based on the outcome of their ramifications, or their political correctness, but upon whether they were true, or not, and if they could be tested.

We seem to be going backwards into the future.

You seem to be nostalgic about taxing imported goods, but then also seem to say that free trade is a good thing? Perhaps?