
Video: Trump Audience Member on TSA: "Get Rid of All These Heeby Jobbies They Wear"

Shimshon6/30/2016 6:43:06 pm PDT

re: #176 compound_Idaho

duh. They are “speaking fees”. It is influence peddling. No one gives a shit what she says. wink wink. They are just paying for access and influence.

You don’t know what the public speaking circuit is, I see. Companies and universities pay a lot of money for important people to speak about their life experiences or viewpoints, it isn’t a hidden corruption system like Bernie fans want to believe. These people just assume because they have never heard of all the money public speakers make.

George W. Bush regularly made over $100k per speech, and do you think this guy after his disaster of a Presidency is helping groups get more influence? The GOP didn’t even want him speaking at the conventions…