
New Tech: Nikon Digital Camera with Built-In Projector

realwest8/04/2009 11:11:40 pm PDT

re: #196 iceweasel
Um I do understand what you’re saying but must be too tired to write clearly. Those consultations - if they are only what you propose - still doesn’t deal with my concerns of health care rationing which I elucidated in my #163 above and IF health care rationing ISN’T INTENDED, why couldn’t language like that,together with the patients treatment for terminal diseases and other matters shall be made and implemented by the Patient and the Doctor(s), regardless of their cost and the length of life which the patient may have subsequent to such treatment(s). The cost of which will be made based upon the rules CURRENTLY in effect in Medicare? IF THAT IS CONGRESS’ INTENTION, SPELLING IT OUT LIKE THAT CAN’T HURT THE HEALTH REFORM BILL THE WAY YOU’VE DESCRIBED SEC. 233 OR ANY OTHER SECTION could it?
I’ll check back in with you tomorrow on the next thread over! THANK YOU!