
Conspiracies and Pseudo-Skepticism, Part I

Bob Levin12/15/2010 2:06:28 pm PST

re: #5 Barrett Brown

I’m not sure if the thread is still going. It seems as if the argument is about labels, how you label yourself, rejecting the labels and views folks say you have—so I just want to be clear on your description of yourself.

1. Communist/anarchist. This can go several ways. Do you mean Marxist, Marxist-Leninist, or critical theorist? In other words, if you just see capitalism as flawed, so did Emma Goldman, so you don’t need the Marxist label. Do you think a vanguard is needed to lead the masses towards new institutions—in which case you don’t need the term anarchist. Or do you see Marxism in the Adorno, Marcuse, Fromm light and use this as a paradigm for psychology, in which case Marxism and anarchism could fit together. Or…


Eventually I began to oppose all initiation of force

Would it be reasonable to say that you are a pacifist? If so, then Killgore has a reasonable question, because sometimes force is initiated. So how do respond when this happens. Evenly or with bias?


and became an anarcho-libertarian/anarcho/capitalist

I’m totally stumped here. I haven’t any idea what this could mean.


I am now an anarcho-technorat

Okay, now we’re getting into the ballpark of Feyerabend and Illich. I think. Are we?