
WikiLeaks, Morgan Tsvangirai and the Guardian – an explanation

Usually refered to as anyways1/13/2011 7:58:35 pm PST

re: #18 Obdicut

The place for a place ‘like’ wikileaks is where it always has been— with responsible journalists.

I will be presumptuous here, Manning didn’t seem to agree.

Listen. I understand this is your positoin. I really do. What I’m asking you to do is to explain why it’s your position.

You’re saying the US is at fault for not safeguarding secrets— and the guardian is at fault for publishing, but not Wikileaks even though they didn’t safeguard the secrets and they gave them to an institution that could choose to publish them.

What is your logic?

I am saying the US has some responsibility, yes.
They need to take some responsibility and they are addressing that need.

Manning stole the documents.

wikileaks dissemination the information.

The Guardian published the specific cable that caused a lot of press because of its content, I think if there is fallout for that, this is where the blame lies.

Please tell me, where do we have an disagreement.