
Porn Discovered in Bin Laden's Hideout

Charles Johnson5/13/2011 10:23:59 am PDT

Uh oh. We have another giant fake controversy brewing, getting hyped by all the usual suspects:

School Tells Child to Take Down Drawing of American Flag

Note the real reason:

22News tried to contact the Superintendent, Dr. Paul Burnim. He refused to go on camera, but told 22News over the phone that nobody ever told Franklin the drawing was offensive, and said the only reason it wasn’t hung was because Franklin was supposed to be doing other work; not drawing a picture. In a statement he said: “Each of our schools flies the American Flag every day. At the Butterfield School, the Pledge of Allegiance is recited by students and staff. And the other schools recite the Pledge of Allegiance at least once per week.”