
Donald Trump Says Obama Committed the Biggest Crime in US History, but He Doesn't Feel Like Telling You What It Was

RinaX5/12/2020 1:05:50 am PDT

re: #168 Jack Burton

I’m not an expert by any means but I’m getting the feeling that we will hit that second wave in stride by the end of June or around the 4th of July (Imagine Clownstick’s meltdown if he can’t have a Nürnburg Reichsparteitag on the 4th) at that point deaths-per-day nationwide will be likely higher than the peak in April was and accelerating. I might be being optimistic though. Could be earlier and worse.

I’m having trouble seeing how much longer after that point the clowns can pretend “opening up” was a good idea. If things haven’t already started to turn around by November, it will be fucking a apocalyptic bloodbath and in the millions (multi) of deaths. If wave 2 has a August/September-ish peak, maaaaaaybe the number of deaths can be kept under 1 million.

Again, I’m not an expert. Just a reasonably intelligent person with a degree in Computer Science and a genuine interest in all areas of science who’s really tired of bullshit.

I’m not an expert, either, but I believe we will see a lull over the next month or so. I think Memorial day is a date a lot of people will really start letting their guard down. We’ll start seeing the impact of that by August.