
Glenn Reynolds: Anti-Muslim Craziness Is All Obama's Fault

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/17/2010 12:42:53 pm PDT

re: #189 researchok

These discussions aren’t a ‘winner take all’ exercise. I’m not here to beat you over the head over a decades old dem platform-

Why did you bring it up at all?

racism was not the purview of one party over another.

I never claimed it was. You’re having an argument with a position I never held. Congrats.

Racism is human condition not a political one. Politicians only exploit that condition.

And currently the GOP and the right-wing in general are exploiting the hell out of it.

You still haven’t told me why, in the face of all the race-based politics in the moment, you believe bigotry is marginal— except that you really, really believe that it is.

Again: why on earth do you believe that bigotry is not a mainstream force in US politics in the current moment, given the anti-Muslim bigotry that’s being used as a political hobbyhorse in these midterm elections? Just take that one issue alone, never mind the anti-Obama crap, the anti-ACORN crap, the Shirley Sherrod bullshit, the Rand and Ron Paul crap, the Buchanan antisemite shite, the John Birch society racism, the anti-Mormon bigotry, and all the other current bigotry: Just explain why so many GOP politicians are running on a “Mosque bad” platform, if bigotry isn’t mainstream.