
Overnight Open Thread

kirkspencer12/06/2010 10:54:35 am PST

From what I can tell, Assange isn’t a “information wants to be free” sort of guy. He’s more of the sort who thinks the wrong sorts are in charge and he can act to get them out so the right sorts get in.

Something he holds different from several other such revolutionaries (tea party, bircher, weathermen, whatever) is that he’s not solely aimed at the US. He’s put several other nations and organizations in his sights. In the process, of course, he’s put himself in several sights as well.

His operational plan is simple. Authoritarian organizations react to exposure by increasing secrecy. Increased secrecy works against effective communication, making the organization less agile, less flexible — giving it a slower OODA loop. This in turn will both make it more obviously bad to The People and make it more vulnerable to overturning.

Any and all actions should probably keep his intent in mind. To some extent he’s right, so part of the question is whether the increased communication barriers are worth the cost.