
Putin Signs Law to Restrict and Monitor Bloggers, Thanks Edward Snowden for Inspiring It

CuriousLurker5/07/2014 4:41:57 pm PDT

re: #191 Killgore Trout

Gosh, an Islamist terrorist outfit whose members shout “Allahu Akbar” when they attack. Who could’ve imagined?

This crap is what I’m talking about. This aspect gets pushed by the media 24/7, so that anytime any Muslim says “Allahu Akbar” the first thing it’s associated with in people’s minds is terrorism. I’ll bet if I go over to Geller’s site right now she’ll be focusing on that part like a laser, saying that all “devout” Muslims behave that way.

Ditto photos of angry/violent Muslims or pathetic, wretched ones (usually women). Imagine how the U.S. would look (and probably does in many places) if they just showed our worst—they most ill-behaved, violent, criminals amongst us. And the most downtrodden—poor, drug addicted, prostitutes, etc. And the hateful religious fanatics, racists, science deniers, militia/sovereign citizen assholes. And they accompanied every effing story with the mention of Christianity, which is by far the majority religion here.

I am sick of this shit.