
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Aye Pod3/04/2010 1:10:13 pm PST

re: #164 ArchangelMichael

How about you all just suck up it and move on or formally ask Charles to deal with it instead of all this passive-aggressive high school drama bullshit. She’s had that for years. No one bitched until certain people decided that she was next on the list of right-of-center people to be bullied off of this forum.

What utter ill informed garbage. Not only has Mandy been trying to run new, liberal posters off the blog with her mob tactics “google their names!”, but no-one on the left has been trying to get her or anyone else banned. A lot of people just find her avatar - particularly in combination with her fake “show some respect!” piety to be unacceptable. All the “Charles ban them please” action has been coming - in spades - from certain right wing posters here, who want to see several of us libs banned: