
Remnants of the Wall

realwest7/16/2009 9:20:00 pm PDT

re: #156 I only wish I had more than one upding to give you!
And ya know, I look at the State of California, with it’s truly POWERFUL leaders in the Leftist Party - Pelosi, Feinstein, Waxman and Boxer and wonder - how come they’ve been singularly unsuccessful in getting their party’s President - President Obama - to help California out. I mean, aside from the fact that NO ONE I know of in California politics is talking about, something silly like, ya know, CUTTING THE COST of their government, California has lead the way in the nation in terms of auto and factory emissions for I don’t know how long now. I’d have thought with all that political clout and that wonderful AGW record, that they’d have been able to help out California with some of our buckos!
And trust me on this reine, when Moody’s give’s California State Bonds a barely higher rating than Junk Bonds, you know California is well and truly lost.