
FL Gov. Scott to Sign Bill Muzzling Doctors on Gun Safety

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/09/2011 4:27:13 am PDT

re: #205 RogueOne

If it’s about asking children, without adult representation, these questions then I can see why that would upset people.

Doesn’t change the first amendment aspect in the least.

Limiting what they’re allowed to ask does not put any limitation on what they are allowed to say.

You’re just joking at this point, right? Limiting what they’re allowed to say doesn’t put a limitation on what they’re allowed to say?

We already limit what employers are allowed to ask of their employees, what business owners are allowed to ask of their customers, and what government is allowed to ask of it’s citizens.

We don’t actually limit what employers are allowed to ask. The limitation on employers questions is what they do with that information; if you’re asking if someone is gay or straight, for example, the concern is that that information will be used in an unlawful way. it’s not illegal to ask.

Business owners, likewise. It’s not about the actual speech, it’s about what they do with it.

And no, there aren’t any limitations that I know of on what government can ask. You can always just, you know, not answer. Can you cite a limitation on what government is allowed to ask, please?

Lastly, I’ve said repeatedly that I’m not sure and I don’t know. It’s not important to me that I be right all the time. You should try it, it’s refreshing.

Heh. I’m wrong a lot. I think you’ve got me well beat in that area, though. Especially when it comes to your incredibly bizarre notion of what rights are and how they function.