
An Interview with the Lead Developer of Park51

Charles Johnson7/24/2010 2:31:40 pm PDT

Please note that in that interview, Imam Feisal also points out that he had absolutely nothing to do with the group that donated money to the Gaza flotilla — he gave a speech once to the group, and now he’s being portrayed as a “key member.” And he also points out that his father was not in the Muslim Brotherhood, another lie that’s being spread.

What the Bigot Brigade is doing to Imam Feisal reminds me a lot of what Andrew Breitbart did to Shirley Sherrod.

Listen to that interview and then read the World Net Daily article about it — they completely omit his strong condemnations of Islamic radicalism, and his statements about bridge-building. And they completely omit, “I am a supporter of Israel.” Instead the title they use is, “Ground Zero’ imam makes stunning terror comments.”

This is typical disgusting World Net Daily garbage.