
Video: Renewable Energy Solution of the Month - Wind, Part 2

sattv4u25/14/2010 5:58:52 am PDT

re: #197 garhighway

“They” (and I’m not sure who you are quoting there, but I’ll go with it) do, but overcoming local, NIMBY-based and environmentally-based resistance has been hard

I was using the ‘they’ in conjuncture with your ‘strange bedfellow” alliances

The forces of NIMBY have been strong. I don’t foresee local resistance getting that so much weaker that some sort of federal pre-emption construct won’t be required. Do you

Thats why I stated “they” should tout how well and how long existing plants have been operating. Get Dems (the current admin) and repubs together on this ,, PUBLICLY. That alone will minimize the NIMBY crowd to the farthest anti-nuke fringe