
Jon Stewart and the Guatemalan Syphilis Experiment

SanFranciscoZionist10/06/2010 6:46:23 pm PDT

re: #6 jaunte

It would be a really stupid position for a politician to take… so we’ll have to wait and see. Some comments at the LATimes are already establishing a disgusting pattern for the potential objections:

So let me see…vancouverbob feels that this was the fault strictly of Democrats (I suppose because it happened under the Truman administration), back before he was born, and that therefore he should not have to feel bad about it.

You know, I agree. I wasn’t alive then either. I don’t give a shit if the United States went around giving syphilis to some Guatemalans who were probably in the country illegally (no, wait, nevermind, keep going). I bear no guilt for any bad thing my country has ever done, and I gag when I see my president say he is sorry the bad things happened.

Of course, I wasn’t alive a few years before that, either, when another Democratic administration liberated Paris, but what the hell, I’ll take credit for that, scream “America! FUCK YEAH!” a lot, and remind Europeans that we saved their asses.
