
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

karmic_inquisitor8/22/2010 5:29:32 pm PDT

re: #170 thelacritic

I asked a question to bring more facts into the debate

Whenever I debate someone, I like to bring up facts by asking questions. I once debated a Frenchman over agricultural subsidies.

My opening statement?

“Why do French cheeses smell so much? Is it because the French are smelly people? Is that why Frenchmen wear white socks with dark shoes? So that when someone says ‘You smell like old socks - are you carrying cheese in them?’ he can respond - ‘Desole - I wear zee white socks stupeed. Eet cannot be me’ ? Do French people think they can get away with that? Is that the sort of thinking that goes into their agricultural policies?”