
Overnight Open Thread

mr. hammer1/24/2010 7:06:33 am PST

Thank you, Ice…
Well, for example, I last posted during a McCain / Obama debate, and I made a comment as McCain was beginning to relate his story in the POW camp in Vietnam that was misinterpreted by one of the regulars as being critical. (It was not. I was supporting McCain).

Anyway, the next thing I knew, somebody looked at my profile, and called me a sock puppet (whatever that is). When I tried to explain my post, they called me an idiot.

I confess that my feelings were hurt, and I took my ball and went home. This can be a tough playground.

I look at the number in my profile and it is “-2”. I don’t know what that means…

Can you help with this and some of the other basics of LGF?