
Prepare for the Republican Inquisition

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/04/2010 12:16:24 pm PDT

re: #208 simoom

Also in the works, an inquisition of the EPA and the resurrection of “Climate-gate”:


I can and have written quite a lot about how their science is just as wrong crazy and stupid on this as it is on evolution. However, the GOP was not always as bought ans sold to the oil companies as it is today and conservative icons once clearly understood the threats.

Reagan, Thatcher and Bush Sr. supported AGW action.

People should really know something of the history of Republican hypocrisy on this.

I really want to point people to the following:

As Republicans try to re-write their history and pretend that Global Warming is some sort of liberal hoax, it is important to remember that the GOP was not always the party of anti-science hacks (well at least not completely). The next time you hear some Republican claim to be a conservative, ask them why they hate Reagan, Thatcher and Bush senior. Of course, I am pointing to the blinding hypocrisy of the GOP on this. But worse, I am pointing to the fact that even in the 80’s it was clear even to conservatives, that there was a problem. That problem has only gotten worse in the last 30 years.

It is also important to remember that the first serious reports on Global Warming to an American president from the National Academy went to President Johnson in 1965!

The biggest point, which I don’t want to get lost, is that 60 years ago, it was clear to many scientists that AGW is a serious problem. By 50 years ago, the President had been alerted. 20-30 years ago, the data was good enough that people like Reagan, Bush and Thatcher weren’t arguing with it.

The science now is utterly iron clad.

Perhaps 40 years ago, there was still some room for legitimate debate about AGW becoming a major problem - and then only some room. Once Milankovitch cycles were understood in the Seventies and ice core and proxy data combined with Keeling curves, the debate of if it was happening or not and if we were causing it, really began to close.

There was perhaps still some room for calling for more research (just to be sure the effects would be bad enough to warrant serious action) in the early 80s. By the time James Hansen first testified to Congress in the late 80s, there was really not any major doubt left as to the basic science.

As of now, the only people who deny it are paid propagandists for corporate interests, their hacks, their pet politicians and of course the deluded masses who believe those lies and think that this is somehow a Democratic issue only.

Then President Reagan thought it was bad enough that he issued this Joint