
Biden Threatens Iran (Kidding)

Luigi2/07/2009 2:42:21 pm PST

These people are running the same foreign policy as if Jeremiah Wright were elected president.

Look at the siutuation that is developing…

The double-act of Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin has come up with a series of security initiatives that seem designed to provoke, or at least irritate, the new administration in Washington. Without even waiting to hear how President Barack Obama intends to conduct his relations with Moscow – something that Joe Biden, his vice-president, may well address on Saturday at the annual Munich Security Conference – the Russian leaders have thrown down the gauntlet.

First, they leaked details of naval and air bases to be established on the shores of the Black Sea in the breakaway Georgian province of Abkhazia, whose independence is recognised by Moscow alone. Then they signed an air defence treaty with the former Soviet republic of Belarus, apparently paving the way for an anti-missile defence system to counter one planned by the previous US administration across the border in Poland. Moscow appears to have persuaded the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan to oust the US from its air base at Manas, outside Bishkek, in exchange for $2bn (€1.6bn, 1.4bn) in loans, and $150m in financial aid.

Russia and the former Soviet republics of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – the so-called Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) – have agreed to form a “rapid reaction force” which is intended to be just as good as the equivalent force operated by the Nato alliance, according to President Medvedev.

And by the way, many of these former Soviet “republics” are Muslim states. Obama comes in and with grand fanfare opens his hand to Muslims. They react by running away to pair up with Putin’s Russia.

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I’m just going to throw this out there. The US media never vetted Obama. Not even a little. The little we know about him is dirty. I wonder what some foreign people may know about him that could be used to bend him towards their purposes.