
PayPal Suspends Wikileaks Account

Charles Johnson12/04/2010 11:19:59 am PST

re: #19 Nick Schroeder

At this point, though, I seriously doubt that the government had to even say a word to PayPal about this, even if they had wanted to. I’m sure any company that does business with Assange is having their lawyers and advisers check out whether he’s violating their terms; you don’t need a phone call from the State Department to realize that Assange has crossed some big lines and it might not be smart to be doing business with him.

And the fact is that the PayPal terms of service really do prohibit them from doing business with Wikileaks:

…our payment service cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity

That’s exactly what Wikileaks is. They’re encouraging people to break laws, and promoting the product of that illegal activity. Seems clear to me.