
WikiLeaks, Morgan Tsvangirai and the Guardian – an explanation

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/13/2011 8:12:35 pm PST

re: #20 ozbloke

I will be presumptuous here, Manning didn’t seem to agree.

So what? You have the immensely irritating habit of dropping a sentence like that that you obviously feel is really killer, but it’s impossible to discern what the fuck you mean by it.

The Guardian published the specific cable that caused a lot of press because of its content, I think if there is fallout for that, this is where the blame lies.

Please tell me, where do we have an disagreement.

Right there.

Imagine this is blackmail, okay?

Creep A finds out the dirty secret. He tells it to creep B. Creep B shares it with creep C, who actually engages in the blackmail.

Creep C is definitely to blame, but so is creep B.

Or, if you want the positive spin:

Imagine Hero A finds out that the government has been surpressing the cure for cancer. He gives that info to Hero B. Hero B gives it to Hero C. Hero C reveals it to the world.

Hero B: still a hero.

You seem to be taking the frankly bizarre position that by staying in the mum middle, Wikileaks somehow dodges all ethical responsibility for the information that passes through them.