
CNN's Dana Loesch Attacks VP Joe Biden for a Typo in a Press Release

Charles Johnson2/20/2012 5:57:28 pm PST

re: #15 Renaissance_Man

Actually, that’s not specifically true either. Most prenatal ultrasounds, even in the first trimester, are typical external ultrasounds. These are more than enough to see things like fetal heartbeat and so on, which is all that’s generally needed.

I’ve been researching this, and that’s not what I’m reading. For example: Early Ultrasound Results and Miscarriage.

In the first trimester, doctors usually use a transvaginal rather than abdominal ultrasound to gather information about the pregnancy. The transvaginal ultrasound provides the most accurate information in early pregnancy, given that the early developing gestational sac and fetal pole are extremely tiny at this point and a vaginal ultrasound can get closer to the developing pregnancy.