
Tuesday Night Mind-Warp: Li Hongbo: Statues in Motion

Justanotherhuman2/26/2014 5:42:44 am PST

re: #219 wheat-dogghazi

Oh, yeah. Bitcoin attracts more than a healthy share of crackpots from the Ron Paul fringe. If I were a sociologist looking for a thesis topic, the Bitcoin community would keep me busy for decades. You’ve got the “nuke the Fed” cranks, goldbugs, computer geeks, dudebros, speculators, professional or semi-pro investors, and a host of idjits (including some who have put all their disposable income into Bitcoins). Predominantly male technophiles, some with rather restricted social skills.

Sitting at top are the dot-com wunderkinds like Andreessen and the Winklevoss twins who are only distinguishable from the rest by their immense wealth.

Unfortunately, I see these same types as the ones driving the exploitation of women online, also. If porn, for instance, is anything, it’s libertarian in nature.