
Seth Meyers: Trump and His Cronies Have a Plan - to Protect Themselves, Not You, Silly

Hecuba's daughter5/08/2020 9:37:49 am PDT

re: #82 Jay C

Yeah, Trump’s response was (quite uncharacteristically) pretty logical: sex-related accusations are probably the last thing he wants to get out into public discussion; though I’m sure Trump’s team will find enough other sewage to pump out into the campaign…

Trump may be thinking of the E. Jean Caroll accusation, especially the demands for his DNA to be used as a sample to verify her story. This may be a situation where he really doesn’t want to promote the Biden charges because it would give more fuel to Caroll’s charges. Of course, that won’t stop social media from supporting Reade, but it might help in dampening the effects.