
New From Keith Olbermann: This Russian Obsession Shows How Trump Will Be Undone

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/10/2017 9:30:46 am PST

re: #214 Birth Control Works

Yes, but women were educated and worked in the sciences and some upper roles in government (IIRC).

There is a passage in Margaret Sanger’s autobiography described a meeting she had with a European man ( I can’t remember the country or the man’s profession). He stated that “they” would NEVER allow woman to control reproduction (meaning population control would never be in the hands of women).

As I said, it depends on the country and era. The Stalin era USSR definitely was not pro woman by any stretch. No worse than the West during that time mind you. Read also about women in Romania. I think with Communism that it really depends on the individual in charge and maybe to some extent the culture of the place.