
Overnight Ocean Thread

rwdflynavy10/13/2009 5:31:36 am PDT

re: #176 Fenway_Nation

Oh shoot! I had an epiphany of sorts going back to CNN fact-checking the 0bama skit.

Last year, Tina Fey’s impersonation of Sarah Palin was supposedly dead-on and hilarious. I think CNN aired some highlights to prove their point.

One year later, CNN is fact-checking an 0bama skit and round up all kinds of beltway talking heads to reassure those of us that hadn’t seen it that ‘It wasn’t really that funny’…

Here’s what Best of the Web had to say about Wolf Blitzer’s fact checking SNL:

Fact-Check This, Wolf!
“CNN has become the butt of a running joke meme on Twitter for its lame fact-check criticism of the Saturday Night Live skit which lampooned President Obama for making too many promises that he has yet to keep,” reports blogger D.K. Jamaal. Here are some examples:

@DefiantKembro ‘El Nino’ is not Spanish for “the Nino” #CNNFactCheck
@EnasYorl “Wayne’s World” was not really a public access cable show. #CNNfactcheck
@ArielAkiva The superfans were not actually having heart attacks. #cnnfactcheck
@thecomeback After checking every river in America, we have not been able to find a motivational speaker living in a van. #CNNfactcheck
@jeffdobbs: Over half of Saturday Night Live is NOT ON SATURDAY NIGHT for Eastern time zone. Outrage. #CNNFactCheck
@jkfecke In fact, Blue yster Cult never included a cowbell player named Gene Frenkle—the musician didn’t exist. #CNNFactCheck
@mikehassinger: This just in: “Toonces the driving cat” not real cat, can’t even DRIVE! #CNNFactCheck
We noted the CNN/ “fact check” yesterday, but this latest development has us nervous. We have it on good authority that not everything on Twitter is true. Who will fact-check the fact-checkers of the fact-checkers?