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Lidane5/03/2010 5:55:23 pm PDT

re: #198 Cato the Elder

Umm…before your knickers get twisted beyond repair, know that “Act of God” is a legal, not a theological term.

I’m well aware of that. It’s why I’m bitching.

“Act of God” is a legal term that absolves all responsibility. It would shield BP from any and all lawsuits or from any punitive damages. Lost your farm or livelihood because of BP’s negligence? It’s an Act of God! You can’t collect a dime. Got a spouse or relative who died or is injured or missing? It was an Act of God! Sorry about that, but good luck to you and yours.

That’s what galls me the most about what Perry is saying. He’s basically absolving BP of any and all wrongdoing in this disaster, and giving them an out when they get sued. If they start making the case now that it’s an Act of God and that nothing could have prevented it, that allows BP to shield themselves from liability, which is wrong. Period.

As for the dodgy safety record and all that, go here: