
Acoustic Guitar Maestro Tommy Emmanuel: "Sanitarium Shuffle" (from Endless Road)

Mattand6/24/2024 8:52:23 am PDT

re: #212 Nerdy Fish

I had a political conversation with my best friend over the weekend. He’s completely oblivious to all the bad shit Trump has done, and even when I explicitly called it all out, he still said at the end of the conversation, “I hate Trump less than I hate Biden, because Biden is a bumbling idiot.” For the record: He may or may not actually believe that. However, he is set in his pre-conceived notions that because of how he was raised and his religious beliefs, he has to find excuses to vote for Trump.

Ugh. I’m at the point in my life where I’m done with those kinds of people.

I’m trying to thread a needle here, because this guy’s your friend, but it seems like “liable for sexual assault” would be a bigger moral flaw than “bumbling idiot” in a POTUS candidate.

Guy sorta sounds like a regular here who was one of the last of the conservative holdovers, Dark Falcon. IIRC, he was all “Trump is a Republican, I must vote for him no matter what because that’s my family’s way.” Pretty much admitting to valuing party over country.

This was all pre-rape and business fraud convictions, but I can’t imagine those ultimately would have swayed him in any form/fashion.