
Paul Ryan, the Pick of Fear

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/11/2012 11:31:14 am PDT

re: #218 Gus

Paul Ryan’s Extreme Abortion Views
by Michelle Goldberg Aug 11, 2012 1:45 PM EDT
Mitt’s VP pick is a known fiscal conservative, but his social ideology is at least as radical. Michelle Goldberg on Ryan’s insinuations that women who choose abortion could be jailed.

Again I ask, how does this guy get the stones to tell us he’s for limited government. He’s not. He’s with a few exceptions as socially conservative as the next and his votes and words show that. Sure, he voted for ENDA the Log Cabin Republicans will tell us but they’ll ignore how he supports banning gay marriage on a federal level not just state, that he opposed repealing DADT, etc. Paul Ryan is not for small government.